Saturday, April 3, 2010

Last Wish b4 PSPM 2...

My KMPP tyme is almost over,

PSPM shall be the last line of war,

Which war i dun prefer to fight for...

God wit me,

But still I lost my own faith...

I will leave my lovely fwens,

My lovely roomates,

And my lovely one,

I shall cry but I prefer not to,

How I wish the last line still so far...

How I wish the time move so slow,

But all I hope doesn't mean on the end of this war...

My fwens.......

Keep fighting out there.......

My roommates,

I'd love to see ya'all again,

How far, how hard,

I'll try to keep our fwenship warm as 1st we met......

My lovely one,

I hope we can meet again...

I'll keep waiting,

Until the sunrise from da west...

I just hoping,

Wherever you are,

Whatever you do,

Juz remember,

There always a heart that you can rely on...

Sory 2 ALL!!!!

If all my mistake all tis days,

Make u difficult to live on ur own,

Doesn't mean to...

Plz pray 4 my success...

And may 1 day,

God reunite us again...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Practicum Blog : The Greatest Excuse To Spend Less Time 4 Blogging


My practcum bru je buat satu blog...

But actually,

Me dunno its email...


Me cube buka tat blog...

But thx God,

Me lupe the email, with the password,

4 short,

I totally lupe pasal my practicum blog's access...

What a shame...

Look at the bright side,

At least i will not spend too much time 4 renovating the blog rite???


Thursday, January 28, 2010

My PSP problem!!!


Bad day!!!

My psp problem lak...

Wayar ke psp ntah...

Bengong kaw....

Owg nak masukkan game pen susah larrr...

Dahlah game Silent Hill pown xleh men.....

Monday, January 4, 2010


Disebabkan permintaan ramai ttg citer H5P2,

Jadi, tugas saya adalah utk menceritakan kembali,

keadaan H5P2 zaman sekarang..

Xde menda best pown...

Mke sama,

Perangai yang sama,

Jadi, apa yang perlu di rencahkan sebenarnya?

Owh yea...


Aiman dah mencari-cari calon idup dah...

Kalo ikut, dah cukup slot kahwin...

Syafiq lak, lebih kurang sama...

Dah ada pilihan dah beb...

So, bile sesiapa yang tahu rahsia syafiq,

Elok benarlah dirahsiakan...



Sah2 Syafiq kena pulun belasah...


Apa lagi??

Den jenis yang x reti bergaul sgt,

Tapi semenjak dua menjak ni,

Pelik bin ajaib,

Sebab membe2 dlm kelas dan makin kamceng...

I mean len jantina...

So, i guess,

maybe sebab kitorang kenal kaw pnyer lama,

Dah memang perlu rapat agaknyer...

Aritu, Ayuni dah nak kuar gi amik spa,

Tapi dia lagi sygkn KMPP nampaknye,

X sanggup nak kuar...

Eden pun tak tau nak stay ke x sebab,

Maleh nak tinggalkan matrik sebab amik pilot...

So, i guess,

I'll stay...

For me and,

For my family...